Quiz: Questions Based on Weighted Average (Set 1)

This quiz contains questions based on the concepts of Weighted Average explained in the video on this page. It is designed to test your understanding of these concepts. Please try to answer the questions without any external help. The difficulty level ranges from basic to medium. If you find any incorrect answers, feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy the quiz!

A class has 20 boys and 30 girls. The average score of boys in a math test is 80, and the average score of girls is 90. What is the weighted average score of the entire class?

John bought 2 kg of apples at \$5 per kg and 3 kg of oranges at \$4 per kg. What is the average price per kilogram of the fruits he bought?

A student’s grade is calculated as follows: homework is 40%, tests are 50%, and participation is 10%. If their scores are 85, 90, and 80 respectively, what is their final weighted grade?

A company has two teams with average salaries: Team A has 10 employees with an average salary of \$50,000, and Team B has 20 employees with an average salary of \$60,000. What is the average salary of all employees in the company?

A car dealership sells two models: Model A and Model B. Model A accounts for 40% of the sales, and Model B accounts for 60%. If the price of Model A is \$25,000 and Model B is \$30,000, what is the average price of all cars sold?

In a survey, 40% of participants preferred Product X, 30% preferred Product Y, and 30% preferred Product Z. The satisfaction ratings for each product are 80%, 90%, and 85% respectively. What is the overall satisfaction rating for the survey?

A company has two departments. The Sales Department has 50 employees with an average salary of \$45,000, and the Marketing Department has 30 employees with an average salary of \$55,000. What is the overall average salary of all employees?

A car travels the first 60 miles of a trip at 30 miles per hour and the next 120 miles at 60 miles per hour. What is the car's average speed for the entire trip?

A factory blends two types of oil. Type A costs \$3 per liter, and Type B costs \$5 per liter. What is the average price (price per liter) of the 20 liters of the mixture if the factory blends 12 liters of Type A with 8 liters of Type B?

A chemist has two solutions: Solution A has 10% salt, and Solution B has 20% salt. How much of each solution should be mixed to create 12 liters of a solution with 15% salt?

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